The Snowpocolypse is here!!
Greetings from the Castle where we currently have 8 inches of snow blocking our driveway. It was one of those snowpocalypse things that happens every couple of years: lots of snow in a very short time. The snow started falling at 3:00 a.m. so we woke up to a completely different landscape. All is well, though. Jake, the snow plow wizard, will take care of everything!
Bordello Cookbook Dinner

Hopefully, everyone is making their Springtime travel plans. La Crosse and the Castle will be super busy! We have scheduled the Bordello Cookbook Dinner for April. What is a Bordello Cookbook Dinner, you say? You’ve never heard about that? Well…
La Crosse is famous for hosting more than a few bordellos and houses of ill repute back in the early days of our bustling little town. Some made huge amounts of money servicing the paddle boats and barges that stopped in La Crosse. La Crosse was one of many towns where bordellos existed. The Bordello Cookbook focuses mostly on the grand houses of Chicago. The most famous, most lavish, and most extravagant bordello was run by the Everly sisters in Chicago. The sisters made over $10k a month back in the late 1800’s. Menus from some of those grand old homes from Chicago, all the way down to New Orleans, were put together in a cookbook with recipes and stories!
We have a treasured copy of this cookbook, and after review, the idea of a bordello cookbook dinner sprung to mind! We donated a “Bordello Dinner for Eight at Castle La Crosse” to the Mississippi Valley Conservancy as an auction item for their Fall Fundraiser. The event was well received and the high bidder has sent us a few dates that would work for her. I just checked with Kelly (our own Madame Frankie La Salle of La Crosse) and she is available to share stories from the book during cocktails before dinner. I think it’s going to be a fun evening, a little risque’, and very entertaining! I’ll try to post photos from that evening on our Facebook page.
Coulee Region Women
Other than that hilarity, there is a good calendar of events in the back of the Coulee Region Women magazine. If your nonprofit or charity group needs a place to have a meeting or fundraiser, keep Castle La Crosse B&B in mind. We lend the house once a month for those type of events.
Bluffland Biofeedback
Bluffland Biofeedback is now advertising in the Coulee Region Women’s magazine. Check out our ad on This winter is a very good time of year to begin your Biofeedback sessions. The holidays are over, winter is taking a lot of time and energy to manage, and our bodies are craving sunlight. Luckily, the days are getting longer and the sun stays out just a few more minutes each day. Making time for biofeedback can help you listen to the messages of your body and help manage stress. Check us out at
What’s Happening In Your Life Right Now?
I’m curious what everyone is up to! Do you have travel plans? Are you reading a great book? Starting your spring cleaning a little early?
Personally, I’m still recovering from an illness and spending a lot of time reading a pretty descent murder mystery. I’m still thinking about a taking a stained glass class; Stained Glass seems like something I should know how to do, don’t you think? You can share comments, ask questions, beg Brandon for a recipe, or just send us your vacation pics to our Facebook page. We do love to hear from everyone. I think it’s wise to use these winter months to get a little extra rest and soothe our minds and bodies. Make some plans, think of a new adventure, and then, come Springtime, hit the start button!
Latest Castle Projects
Just a quick update on Castle projects. I always try to include those when I can. Currently, I’m searching Amazon for lights for the top of the Castle tower. We have some windows I’d like to be able to light up a few times a year. So I’d like to use rope lights that have a remote control. It might sounds a little tacky, but the tower is essentially the attic so no body is going to see them. I have no faith in remote controls, so I’m sure I’ll have to crawl up through the trap door up to the point of the big tower and manually turn on red for Valentines day, Green for St. Patrick’s, etc.
But I promise, no strobe lights or multi-colored anything. Lol!
Take care dear friends,
Love from the Castle
Billy and Brandon