Hello Campers, Hikers, Boaters, Shoppers and Runners!
The Latest and Greatest News
It has been a very active season; late summer always is in the Coulee Region.

We have had many wonderful guests with bikes and hiking shoes ready to explore the rivers and bluffs that surround us at the Castle. The La Crosse Queen paddle boat is running daily. Dinner cruises start under $50. With the cool evening breeze, it is a very romantic excursion. Give it a try! Reservations can be made on their website: lacrossequeen.com
Our Current Projects
Painting and winterizing continues. I have been working on storm windows for what seems like a year. The Castle is almost ready for her 127th Wisconsin Winter. Please take it easy on us, Mother Nature!
You can become part of our on-going efforts to maintain and share Castle La Crosse. After many guests asked how they can help insure this magnificent home is here for the next generation and beyond to enjoy, we added a Support tab to our website. A donation in any amount can be made and we make sure every dollar is spent on the maintenance of the Castle. We enjoy sharing our home and it’s story. Every now and then, we learn a new chapter we had not heard before.
BATS are Here!
We have an update on BATS! Yes, those bats, our insect eating friends. A dreadful disease called “White Nose Syndrome” has devastated our bat population in this region and further east as well. I have learned more about bats since moving to La Crosse than I ever thought I wanted to know. The Mississippi Valley Conservancy (near and dear to our hearts) has several articles on bats, their caves, and the benefits of bats to our community. Bat houses are going up on the carriage house at the Castle in late Spring next year. It is important and beneficial to help maintain that population.
Want to learn more about the bats in the area? Check out this article from the Mississippi Valley Conservancy.

Next stop: Ecker’s Apple Farm. We live in apple country here at Castle La Crosse and now is the time for the best of the best. Nothing says Fall is coming like caramel apples and spices…well, maybe Pumpkin Spice Latte, too. But I’m not a huge fan of that. Shocking, I know!
Here is something for you to research: If you have a different apple everyday, how many days will you get to enjoy a new apple variety each day? You should be sitting down, eating an apple, when you find that number. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya!
Dr Seuss?
For the second time this week I get to quote Dr. Seuss:
“Those that matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.”
I just thought I’d throw that in! For those of you who know me, I don’t always have a point!
Signing Off!
Sign Off with Love from the Castle! Time to plan your trip to see the incredible Fall colors in the bluffs and see what Chef Brandon has made with his batch of apples from the farm.
Safe Travels,
Billy & Brandon
P.S. Pronto turns four next year. Dilly will be six this December. I think it’s time for some dog photos in the next news letter. Feel free to send us a photo of your favorite pooch!