Support The Castle

Become a part of Castle history!

Thanks to many of our wonderful friends and guests, we have been able to open the doors of Castle La Crosse for the first time in its long history. We recognize the value of the Castle’s preservation and its important place in the history and heritage of our community.

Your gift could make all the difference. It’s an understatement to say that we require an immense amount of help to keep our Castle looking and functioning the way it does. We can always use financial gifts but do welcome volunteers too.

Your support will make many of these things possible:

  • Ongoing maintenance of the iconic Castle La Crosse
  • Preservation of the Castle, including the exceptional stonework and exterior
  • Continued support of the community and promotion of Castle La Crosse as a destination

Your encouragement and support are greatly appreciated as Castle La Crosse maintains itself as a vital and relevant part of the La Crosse community. Our continued success in these efforts will ensure that this historic landmark remains so and we must acknowledge all the support we have received in the past three years. THANK YOU!

Gifts of financial support help with the continual maintenance of the property, exterior and interior restoration projects, and can be contributed via a donation on Paypal.

Once again, we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!

Billy and Brandon,

Innkeepers of Castle La Crosse Bed and Breakfast

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